At the end of winter 2018, Joan Pocurull, musical composer and guitarist of Mussia, suggested that I photo illustrate the songs from the group’s second album. He told me the songs were poems with music; songs created in voice / guitar format and intended for live performances in intimate spaces. I have to admit it was a totally unknown musical dimension for me. But the idea seduced me. Both Joan and Montse López Muley Abdhalha (poems and voice) wanted the images to have a poetic component. I didn’t really know how to do it. A real challenge. On the other hand, the project had to be developed in a special way. On social networks, during each full moon, a song from the album was going to be published, accompanied by its corresponding cover photograph. 12 themes, 12 full moons, one theme per month. But the most singular thing was that, for production reasons, I was never going to know the new image to create until I had finished and published the previous one. It was impossible to know anything about the next songs. No text, no music, not thematic either.
It was difficult to think, prepare, take and retouch each photo during the narrow time window between full moons, especially considering that at that time my dedication to photography was amateurish. It became a great exercise in perseverance and work between various pressures.
Once posted on social networks, the twelve covers went to another new phase of retouching, in order to make the versions for the physical disk. In this process I ended up composing a thorough review of each of the images. The end result is the photographs that you can see now. Each cover image is accompanied by a text on the framework of the elaboration itself.
This long project has helped me to face new ways of thinking and making images. It has given me the serenity to face future challenges. All this would not have been possible without the trust of Joan Pocurull and Montse Lopez Mulley (Mussia) and the support of Maria Simon. Thanks a lot for your trust and help.
Jordi Roca Zanuy