This is my favorite poem. It’s about love in a precious and delicate way. Is a kind of affection to the other person’s projects. Although they have not been carried out yet, and may never be, one already assumes them as a wonderful and exciting essence that illuminates the present.
Designing the image started from the idea of creating an optical illusion with sparks. I worked with out of focus light sources. At the end of the retouching process, while polishing small scraps, a shape suddenly emerged between the lights. Very dim. “Wow!” I thought, “I hadn’t seen that yet.” I enhanced it to make it a little more visible. I showed the photo to Maria Simon and Joan Pocurull and asked them the same question that I now ask you: do you see any shape or drawing that is related to the song in the image? Once you see it, you can no longer stop seeing it. Hint: search in the middle.
Jordi Roca Zanuy